Sunday, December 11, 2011

A New Addition To An Old Ballet Tradition

New York Times Article: The Goal: A Modern(ish) Mikhailovsky

“Petipa created the image of what means the Russian ballet,” he said. “I hope that Nacho will create the image of Russian ballet for the 21st century.”

"And there is no doubt that Russian ballet, which has almost entirely ignored modern dance influences, could do with an infusion of contemporary sensibility."
The main topic of discussion in this article from the New York Times is the contemplation of whether Nacho Duato will achieve the revitalization of the Mikhailovsky Ballet in Russia, a more traditional, classical ballet company, into a company more fitted to our modern era of dance. Most of the arguments in the article are that Duato will achieve a sensible balance of classical and contemporary movement within the company to create a more versatile company of dancers and repertoire. Along with this shift in the company's direction, Duato, along with the Mikhailovsky Ballet company, can also make use of his very talented and famous reputation to allow the company many different performance opportunities and venues that they would not normally have had without him as the artist director.

The Sleeping Beauty by Nacho Duato

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